Sunday 14 June 2015


In the old days, people tended to stay in the place they were born because of some difficulties, but now we move easily from countryside to city, from one part of a country to another, and even from country to country. Each place has its own traditions and ways of life. When I moved from Bournemouth to Londra, I had to make several adjustments to my life. Londra is a different city from my hometown in many respects. Of course, there might be some similarities to my hometown, like entertainment, restaurant and so on. But, from my point of view, the difference is far outweigh the similarities; environment, weather and pollution.

First and foremost, environment is through and through different at many points. Taking stall in all, people have their own condition to adjust to their environment, so it leads to their satisfaction.
To illustrate this point, people who live in Londra seem not to be busy all the time, while those who live in my hometown are always busy. In addition to this, people who live in this city feel and relaxed, while people living in Bournemouth rarely feel calm and comfortable. Furthermore, it is common that people don't have enough break time for resting in my country; on the other hand, in Londra, people have their break time especially on weekend. What is more, population of Londra is really huge. In the same street, even in the same apartment there are people who don’t know each other. But in my hometown almost all people in the same street know each other. It is a big opportunity for people, because they need neighborhood to make social activities or to provide urgent needs. Because of population, there are a lot of vehicle in Londra. So traffic is very busy and big problem. If you want to go somewhere, you have to spend a lot of time in traffic. But in Bournemouth, there isn’t a lot of traffic jam. You can go wherever you want in a short time. In this regard, environment in this city is exactly different from that in my country.

Moreover, weather is one of the most remarkable factors in this city. In general manner, all countries have their own climate, so it is a factor in determining many things such as food, living and so forth. For instance, when I came to Londra, it was sunny a lot. Sometimes, it was rainy, cold and cool. To put it another way, the weather in this city changes a lot. People who live in this city always say that it takes shower too often, and then it tends to be changed into being cold. With the passing of time, it has changeable weather, such as it is raining in the morning but it changes into being sunny in the afternoon, and then it rains a lot in cold weather. In contradistinction to this city, my hometown has a mild climate. To exemplify, it is sunny and hot in summer and it is cold in winter. In this sense, weather is diversifying factor in representing this city from the standpoint of having lots of rain regardless of season.

Finally, pollution is an inevitable feature. As a matter of fact, problems such as air pollution and water pollution are being considered seriously. Bournemouth is commonly called evergreen, in that it has fresh air a lot. This is largely because people have a tendency not to drive their car too often. On the contrary, in Londra, they drive their car very often and the amount of gas emission is increasing, so it probably leads to air pollution. In this context, it is a pollution that it determines the city, and then it is being regarded as a critical factor.

All things considered, Londra has a lot of differences from my hometown. Given the chance to choose factors that represent this city, I would choose three factors; environment, weather and pollution. At the same time, both of them have a similar taste in kinds of entertainment, restaurant and so on. But, if you ask me which one do you want to live in, Bournemouth or Londra, I will select Bournemouth, of course. And, if you happen to visit my hometown, you will feel same thing with me.

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