Sunday 14 June 2015


The five golden rules of communication give us a clue what we should do for effective communication. The first one “You create your own experience” makes us understand why we must be accountable for our life. If we are accountable for our life, good or bad; successful or unsuccessful; happy or sad; fair or unfair, we can solve our problems easily, because we will know where the problem stems from. And, if we want to be successful about something, we must encourage ourselves to achieve it. So, this rule teaches us accountability has important role in our life.

The second rule “You get what you give” reminds us the link of action and reaction. There are numerous styles, ways and levels we deal with others, and we may choose different ones in various situations.
Our attitude of approach controls or affects what we get back. If we behave someone in a good way, we take the reciprocity in the same way. The third one “You are what you believe” shows us how we value anyone or anything in our life. Values are significant for our goals, as it makes us find ourselves.  By this way, we can be aware of ourselves or what we do.

The fourth rule is “Avoid moralistic judgment”. I think it was dangerous, because judgment directs us wrong way. We generally judge someone because of their appearance. Appearance does not show the real, but we are judging people by only looking how they seen. By this golden rule we can remember at least we should not evaluate people because of just their appearance. The last one is “comparisons”. Comparisons alienate us from life. When we compare ourselves with others, we can strongly get depressed. This make it impossible for us to feel any empathy for others as will be feeling really sorry for ourselves. So, by the help of this rule, we recall that comparisons are unpredictable for us.

All of these golden rules of communication will help us when we become a teacher. Communication between teachers and their students are crucial. If we lack of communication, we can’t teach anything our students because we can’t tell what we mention. This could be serious problem so we must good at in communication. Before we meet our students, we mustn’t evaluate their appearance. If we do it, we’ll have prejudice about them. The first thing not to forget is every student has a different character, so we don’t wait same behaves all students. If we do our job at random, our students don’t learn anything. We mustn’t tell our students such as; you are lazy, you are clever. This makes negative impact. We mustn’t compare between them. Besides, education isn’t just only between teacher and student. Parents have a great importance in the education, so we have to contact with our students’ parents. If there is effective communication between teacher and parents, they can help each other.

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